Pet insurance is a way to save on veterinary costs when your pet gets sick or is injured. Most pet health insurance plans are paid on a monthly schedule and cost a few hundred dollars a year. By paying the premium, you can get most medical costs reimbursed (although coverage tends to exclude hip dysplasia, a common dog ailment, and preexisting conditions). As with regular health insurance, the policyholder pays a small portion of the bill and the insurance company pays the remainder. Unlike regular health insurance, you do have to pay out of pocket first. After you pay the vet, you can file a claim with your insurer to be reimbursed.
While paying monthly premiums can add up to a few hundred dollars per year, the benefit of pet insurance is that cost will be less of a factor when deciding whether to go through with a major procedure. Many times, pet owners without insurance can’t afford to put their savings towards a large medical expense and are forced to put their pet down. When deciding it’s important to consider the huge cost of major medical treatments.
Without insurance, illness and injury treatments can cost pet owners hundreds or thousands of dollars per incident. If your dog or cat gets cancer, the radiation therapy can cost as much as $5,000 or $10,000. Surgeries for tumor removal or to rectify another serious condition can total anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000. However, if you put $30 to $40 dollars a month towards a pet healthcare plan, you can reduce the immediate out of pocket price of medical procedures by thousands.
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